Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thief Of Bagdad Analysis - 1475 Words

The Thief of Bagdad was directed by non AAPI filmmakers Ludwig Berger, Michael Powell and Tim Whelan. Given this information, I can see how someone as a director would want to glamorize a culture in order to make it more visually appealing to audiences despite it being culturally inaccurate. At the time, Asians were still very much underrepresented in film and many roles would be lost to Caucasian actors so as to resonate with American audiences. I think it is fair to argue that had this film been handled by someone who shared the culture, certain directions would have been taken so as to give the film a more accurate portrayal. Directions such as casting more ethnically fit actors or more accurate historic costuming. Despite†¦show more content†¦Despite his garnered success as a leading actor, many of his roles subjected him to infantilization, race-bending, and exoticism. Due to the lack of actors of color in Hollywood at the time, Sabu would be often be typecast into the exotic and feral Jungle boy role. In the Thief of Bagdad we see Sabu show off his acting chops as a leading actor representing the South Asian community, despite him playing an Arab. The Thief of Bagdad has its flaws with regard to race-bending, however at its release the scenery and acting were heavily praised by audiences and critics. The idea of trying to exoticize a culture is often played in Hollywood in order to add some level of aesthetic. In Sabu’s case, I would like to argue that that is probably what made him so popular early in his career. The actor starred in many early British productions when India was still a British Colony. Much of India’s goods such as spices and silks were controlled for the sake of British Imperialism. Sabu himself was exoticized to audiences for his ethnic background. Many audiences in that period had little notion of what was an accurate representation of a South Asian person. The Thief of Bagdad plays into this trope as well. Sabu stars as a leading character, yet at the same time it almost feels as if he were cast in this role due to his exotic background. The film PiccadillyShow MoreRelatedThe Studio System Essay14396 Words   |  58 Pagesunusual studio because it was founded by artists in reaction to the studio system. Menzies did his most important set design during the silent era. Some excellent examples of his work during this period are: Rosita (1923), The Thief of Bagdad (1924), Cobra (1925), Son of the Sheik (1926), and Beloved Rogue (1927). Menzies won the first Academy Award for set design in 1927 for The Dove. In the 1930s Menzies divided his responsibilities between director/co-director

Friday, December 20, 2019

Feminism The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds...

Micaela Castro English 2 2/29/16 Jane Eyre and Feminism Feminism is defined as the â€Å"advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men† (Oxford Dictionary). In the past century, the standards of what is considered feminism have changed. At the time Jane Eyre was published, feminism per se did not exist yet. In the Victorian Era any actions done by women that went against the norms for women for that time period were likely considered atrocious more than rebellious. Regardless, some of those actions would have probably been considered â€Å"feminism†, even though the term did not exist so nobody called it that. Nowadays the standards of what is considered feminism is much different. The question of whether or not Jane Eyre can be considered a feminist novel, can not simply be answered with a yes or no. At the time this book was written, it would be a feminist book because it was way ahead of its time, but compared to the feminist movement of the 21st century, it would not f it the standards of what is considered to be feminist. You can not say that Jane Eyre is either a feminist book or it is not, because nothing is black and white. Besides, parameters change, and something that was once labeled as one thing doesn t have to be labeled that forever. It s possible for it to have been a feminist book at one point and not be one for today’s standards. Even though â€Å"feminism† is aShow MoreRelatedFeminism, The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1391 Words   |  6 PagesFeminism, a word defined as, â€Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men,† a word that provokes strong feelings of either support or strong hate. (Webster) The people who do agree with feminism claim that it has helped them with their experiences of oppression because they are female, while others argue that it is against men and promotes hostility. While many argue over what feminism really means, the reputation feminism receives from peopleRead MoreFeminism Is The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality Essay1068 Words   |  5 PagesFeminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an advocate for womenâ⠂¬â„¢s rights. She was involved in Progressive Era reform culture. Gilman, author of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, illustrates in the short story that women can overcome the weight patriarchy puts on them mentally. The narrator’s husband, John, displayed paternal behavior towards her which was belittling. Gilman uses metaphors, specifically personificationRead MoreFeminism And Equality Between Men And Women956 Words   |  4 PagesFeminism and Equality Between Men and Women Feminism, the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men (Webster’s Thesaurus Dictionary). Feminist seek to find impartiality between the genders, in not only the work force, but many different aspects of their lives. Feminist are spectated to be individuals who believe in female domination, and that is not precise. Feminist believe that women and men should be treated equal to each other, neither sexRead MoreFeminism And The Feminist Movement Essay1292 Words   |  6 Pagesall, the push for women s suffrage and rights was strong, but further enhanced by leaders like Alice Paul and Jane Addams. The idea of equal rights for all was further scrutinized and contested after civil rights were granted to former slaves. Women began to push for similar equality as illustrated through the feminist movement. The feminist movement became very large and sprouted subsections, one being a subsection of feminism known as social feminism. This branch of feminism was more interestedRead MoreThe Discovery Of A Radical Movement995 Words   |  4 Pagescalled feminism has left a huge influence in my life. Feminism, or the women’s movement, is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Before feminism, my life was full of body negativity and ignorance of the patriarchal society, but after a major breakthrough I became an equal rights advocate and an open minded person which progressed my human capital. Before encountering the feminist movement, my self-esteem and the awareness of women s oppressionRead MoreFeminism Is For Everyone By Bell Hook958 Words   |  4 Pages Feminism is for everyone bell hook is a famous feminist author who wrote the book â€Å"Feminism Is For Everybody† hooks attempt to create a quick, simple start on feminist history, theory, and politics to the masses who receive a misinformation, misunderstood, and maligned version of the feminist movement. Hooks says â€Å"To understand feminism it implies one has to necessarily understand sexism†.We define feminism as the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economicRead MoreWomen s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1052 Words   |  5 PagesWhy Postmodern Feminism is Irrelevant in Westernized America The definition of feminism is (according to noun the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Now what does this mean? This means that women deserve to be treated the same as men because we are on grounds that â€Å"women are inferior to men† in other words â€Å"men have it better off than women†. This is not only wrong but it is a movement for something doesn’t exist and fightsRead MoreWomen s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality889 Words   |  4 PagesThe dictionary definition of feminism states that feminism is the â€Å"advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.† However, this definition raises controversy due to a lack of preciseness. In order to achieve a precise definition, one would need to define equality because it is safe to say not all men are equal (i.e. white supremacy). The true definition of feminism, is the desire to end sexist tyranny and patriarchy. Feminists do not hate men asRead MoreThe Moral Of The Story By Nina Rosenstand865 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is feminism? According to the book â€Å"The Moral of the Story† by Nina Rosenstand; feminism is defined as the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. The feminist movement has been aiming to achieve equality for women for decades. Equity of the genders (regarding rights) and the promoting of ladies rights are apparent constructive goals; yet individuals have a tendency to depict women s liberation utilizing negative terms, and women s liberationRead MoreFeminism : Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1507 Words   |  7 PagesFeminism has been around as long as women have been. Feminism according to google is the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. So it is basically women wanting to be treated equally. The history of feminism is pretty sketch considering how it was never called feminism until america got a hold of it. But never the less there are definite matriarchal influences throughout the history of the world. A couple of asian cultures were based off of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Inquiry in Health Care Emotional Stress

Question: Discuss about theInquiry in Health Care: Emotional Stress. Answer: Introduction The report critically appraises the research article by von Haaren et al., (2015) who has investigated the influence of 20 week aerobic exercise training on emotional stress reactivity in students experiencing real life examination stress and the article by Kim et al., (2013) who has explored the impact of Kouk Sun Do, a mind-based intervention on students with anxiety symptoms. This appraisal is important to determine its applicability for the case scenario of Mariana who is an Australian University student with a 18 month year daughter. Being a single mother, she lacks social support and has additional liabilities in her life compared to other students. This condition along with diabetes and rare blood disorder has made her very depressed in life. The critical appraisal and evaluation of the research paper is important for evidence based practice and choosing health intervention according to best available evidence (Grove et al., 2014). This report analyse the two papers to determi ne the best evidence based practice that can be applied in case of Mariana to relieve her from depressive symptoms. Critical Appraisal Paper 1 Author and the research method-The first research study conducted by von Haaren et al., (2015) is a randomized controlled study to investigate the impact of aerobic exercise training (AET) on engineering students. The randomized study design was based in recruiting 61 engineering students and they were randomly assigned to AET group and control group. It utilized ambulatory assessment technique to analyse psychological variables in real time and information related to this was maintained in a diary. Heirarchy of evidence- According to the hierarchy of classification of evidence based data, the article by von Haaren et al., (2015) comes under NHMRC level II category of evidence (NHMRC,.2009)and JBI places it under level 1c of experimental studies (The JBI Approach | JBI., 2016).In terms of S5 and S6 model of evidence, randomized study design is regarded as an unfiltered piece of information which in the bottom level of S6 evidence as it is a published journal (Dicenso et al., 2016) Abstract, purpose and ethics- The research was done with proper ethical consideration as all participants were informed about the purpose of study and written informed consent was taken from all participants. The abstract of the research article briefly summarizes the objective, methods and results of the research study. It helps in getting a brief idea of the research process as it mentioned that cardiopulmonary testing before and after AET intervention was done on all participants to determine the impact of emotional stress reactivity on sample. The conclusion from the research was also established by stating that AET intervention was effective in improving emotional stress reactivity (von Haaren et al., 2015). The purpose of the research became clear with the statement that current research on association between exercise and emotional stress reactivity has many limitations. Hence, the analysis of the study showed that the data are consistent with limitations discussed and the res ults obtained (Vaismoradi et al., 2013). Method and design-In the randomized controlled study, participant were classified into control group and intervention group according to their physical activity levels. Before the AET intervention, all participants received cardiopulmonary pre-test and the same was done post-intervention. One of the strength of the study design is the consideration of time in students life when they experience stress in real life. This was a commendable step as first assessment was done before the exam period when students had low stress and the final assessment was done after exam period when students face maximum stress. All the parctipants received AET intervention the intensity of which was slowly increased. The method employed for the research study is useful as data was analyzed statistically with all the parameters to determine the efficacy of intervention on improving stress response. Limitation and conclusion- The researcher concludes the article by explaining the outcome of the study and it applicability in current practice. It also gave scope for further research by stating that severity of stress should be investigated at different fitness level and at different stress conditions in life (von Haaren et al., 2015). This fact is also supported by Asmundson et al., (2013) who showed that exercise is a promising intervention to treat patients with anxiety disorders. Strength and weakness- One of the strength of the research design is the use of ambulatory assessment which assessed both psychological and emotional response to investigate the impact of aerobic exercise on reducing stress and the weakness is the small sample size which makes the reliability of research findings difficult for generalized population. Applicability- The aerobic exercise based intervention can be applied in the case of Marian to reduce stress as this is cost effective approach which Mariana can easily include in her daily life routine. Critical Appraisal of Paper 2: In the second paper by Kim et al., (2013), the authors have investigated about the effect of practicing Kouk Sun, in order to improve the mental health condition of the body and improve the level of stress response. In the research design technique the researchers have used the pilot technique and selected random technique to select the student of university. This is a special form of pilot study technique, which comes under the category of the unfiltered evidence of information that is according to the evidence of S5 hierarchy. The original journal was published with the rule of 6S hierarchy of evidence. With the help of the NHMRC level of evidence it is possible to classify this study according to the JBI evidencing level (The JBI Approach, 2016). The Kouk Sun Do practice originated in Korea, which is one of the most popular form of mind-body training and in this research prepare, the authors have aimed to explore the positive effect of this training upon the university students. According to Llapa et al., (2015), the Kouk Sun Do technique had been quite useful and effective in the past. However, in the modern context the effectiveness this technique is yet to be approved. In the present days, the meditation is one of the best forms of treatment that helps to deal with the excess pressure and tension (McGuigan, Sime Wallace, 2012). The Qigong exercise form has proved to be highly effective for the mind training and control the breathing pattern. The Kouk Sun Do can be more effective so as it uses the combination of various forms of exercise. With the help of these techniques it is possible to maintain both physical and mental health of an individual. The investigators with the help of proper ethical rules collected data from students, who are suffering from the stress and anxiety related symptoms. 18 of the students were asked to follow the principles of Kouk Sun Do (KSD) technique. The other 11 students were in the control group. The first group had used the KSD for 70 minutes sessions three times every week for a period of four weeks. With the help of parameters such as depression, copping skills and self-efficacy, the outcomes of the sessions were evaluated. The surveyors also used questionnaires techniques to collect information from the students and thus compare the results of both the group. This had helped them to access the effectiveness of the KSD technique compare to other forms of mind training exercise. In the result section the authors have mentioned about the techniques and that it showed the effectiveness of KSD to cure the depression is much more compared to other forms of mind training exercise. Hence, the researchers had concluded that the principles of KSD can be used in practice. However, there are also wide ranges of scope for the improvement of this research work. The main strength of this research work is that it has helped to identify the usefulness of KSD techniques. Nevertheless, as the sample size of the research was small, it was not possible for the investigators to provide a strong support for their statement. Hence, the limited sample size is the main weakness of this research work. Justification for Best Technique in the Scenario In the given case scenario, Mariana is a single mother, who got little support from the family and thus, it is crucial for her to get an appropriate intervention techniques. It is also important that the intervention techniques must be easy for her to follow in the daily life. Hence, it can be said that the KSD techniques that is mentioned in the second article is best for her, which will help her to deal with the stress and tension of her daily life. With the help of the different techniques that is used in the KSD it is possible for Mariana to maintain well-being of both her mental and physical health. On the other hand, with the help of the aerobic exercise that is mentioned in the first article, it is not possible to keep a healthy mental state. According to Abbott et al., (2016), it is not possible to achieve a good physical health only with the help of physical exercise as the physical state of well-being is related to the mental condition of a human being. The mental stress an d tension can cause damage to the memory and cognitive function of an individual. The KSD is has proved highly effective to act as functional repairmen of the body and enhance the power to concentrate on every day activities. The neuron mechanism of the body can also be improved with the help of this technique. (Alderman et al., 2016), believes that with the help of the combination of both medication and mind training exercise, along with the measures to intervene of physical fitness training, it is possible for an individual to overcome all the major health related hazards. Thus, for Mariana it is possible to have a healthy form of life by overcoming all forms of physical and mental health issues. With the help of the evidence that is provided in the paper of Kim et al., (2013) it can be said Mariana can easily overcome all forms of health obligations by adopting the practice of KSD and improve the overall quality of health and minimize the effects of stress and tension. Conclusion The report summarized the effect of two interventions- the aerobic exercise and the effect of Kouk Sun Do to determine its benefits on patients with depressive symptoms in life. The comparison and critical analysis of both literature revealed that both are effective intervention as the results demonstrated improvement in stress response and anxiety symptoms on patients. However, in relation to the applicability of the evidence based practice in case of Marians, it suggests that the second intervention, Kouk Sun Do can be more effective in reducing stress in Marianas life. This is supported by other research which showed that combination of physical and meditative exercise is useful in treating patients with depression (de Bruin et al., 2016). Reference Abbott, R.A., Whear, R., Rodgers, L.R., Bethel, A., Coon, J.T., Kuyken, W., Stein, K. and Dickens, C., 2014. Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness based cognitive therapy in vascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.Journal of psychosomatic research,76(5), pp.341-351. Alderman, B. L., Olson, R. L., Brush, C. J., Shors, T. J. (2016). MAP training: combining meditation and aerobic exercise reduces depression and rumination while enhancing synchronized brain activity.Translational psychiatry,6(2), e726. Asmundson, G. J., Fetzner, M. G., DeBoer, L. B., Powers, M. B., Otto, M. W., Smits, J. A. (2013). Let's get physical: a contemporary review of the anxiolytic effects of exercise for anxiety and its disorders.Depression and anxiety,30(4), 362-373. de Bruin, E. I., van der Zwan, J. E., Bgels, S. M. (2016). A RCT comparing daily mindfulness meditations, biofeedback exercises, and daily physical exercise on attention control, executive functioning, mindful awareness, self-compassion, and worrying in stressed young adults.Mindfulness,7(5), 1182-1192. Dicenso, A., Bayley, L., Haynes, R.B. (2016).Accessing pre-appraised evidence: fine-tuning the 5S model into a 6S model. - PubMed - Retrieved 21 October 2016, from Grove, S. K., Burns, N., Gray, J. R. (2014).Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kim, J., Yang, H., Schroeppel, S. (2013). A pilot study examining the effects of kouk sun do on university students with anxiety symptoms: The effects of kouk sun do on mental health.Stress and Health,29(2), 99-107. doi:10.1002/smi.2431 Llapa Rodriguez, E. O., da Silva, G. G., Neto, D., Lisboa, C. F. (2015). The use of integrative and complementary practices in the treatment of occupational stress: an integrative review.Enfermera Global, (39), 316. McGuigan, F. J., Sime, W. E., Wallace, J. M. (2012).Stress and Tension Control 2. Springer Science Business Media. National Health and Medical Research Council [NHMRC]. (2009). NHMRC additional levels of evidence and grades for recommendation for developers of guidelines. The JBI Approach | JBI. (2016) Retrieved 21 October 2016, from The JBI Approach | JBI. (2016) Retrieved 26 October 2016, from Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., Bondas, T. (2013). Content analysis and thematic analysis: Implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study.Nursing health sciences,15(3), 398-405. von Haaren, B., Haertel, S., Stumpp, J., Hey, S., Ebner-Priemer, U. (2015). Reduced emotional stress reactivity to a real-life academic examination stressor in students participating in a 20-week aerobic exercise training: A randomised controlled trial using ambulatory assessment.Psychology of Sport and Exercise,20, 67-75. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.04.004

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Essay on topic A View from the Bridge Example For Students

Essay on topic: A View from the Bridge All the events of the play are set in about in Red Hook, New York roughly during the 1950s, a time where equal rights were not an issue and before the feminist era was in full swing. Most men saw it as their duty to look after their wife and family and saw it as unmanly to do anything other than that. A lot of men found they have to prove they could look after themselves and their family by using their fists rather then their mind. Eddie Carbone was one of these men. Eddie from the start has a fixed idea on how a real man should be. He thinks that men should be the provider and look after family. He is very protective of his family especially Catherine. He sees himself as a father figure to Catherine and comments on her walkin wavy! which shows his over-protectiveness towards her growing up. When Rodolpho and Marco arrive you can notice that Catherine has taken a liking toward Rodolpho and you can see Eddies not to pleased about this. When Rodolpho sings Eddie stops him abruptly, he is then embarrassed about this and quickly covers it up with a feeble excuse. Eddie is uncomfortable with the thought of Catherine being attracted to Rodolpho so he role as the head of the household to stop him. Eddie likes to be right and hates being told otherwise. When Eddie comments on how he heard in Italy they paint oranges orange, Rodolpho corrects him. Eddie resents being corrected by Rodolpho so he replies by saying: I know lemons are green, for Christs sake, you see them in the store theyre green sometimes. I said oranges they paint, I didnt say nothing about lemons. I think Eddie finds it irritating that a kid like Rodolpho is correcting him. Eddie starting to show his dislike for Rodolpho when he continually addresses Marco only. Eddie is extremely hostile towards Rodolpho and whenever Rodolpho comments, Eddie corrects him whether he is right or wrong. Marco sees whats going on and when Eddie asks him whether hes right Marco cautiously answers as if not knowing what Eddie would do if he replied no. Marco tells Beatrice that Rodolpho can cook and Eddie makes a comment on this Hes a cook, too! (looking at Rodolpho) He sings, he cooks Rodolpho smiles thankfully at the compliment, but I dont think Eddie meant it as a compliment. I think Eddie meant it as a question of his sexuality because he emphasises this comment by repeating it seconds later. I think Eddie finds Rodolpho very unmanly because he enjoys doing things, which at the time were thought of as womens work. This is not the only time he questions Rodolphos sexuality, many times he has commented on high voice and how if you heard it youd be looking for a her not him. He also old Beatrice that he gave him the heeby-jeebies. On the twenty-third of December he really questions this by coming home drunk and violently kissing Rodolpho to humiliate him in front of Catherine. Eddie deliberately induces a confrontation, he pretends to teach Rodolpho how to box. He uses this excuse to hit Rodolpho. He pretends hes playing around however deep down Eddie wanted to hurt him, Marco sees this and then challenges Eddies manliness. He does so by testing him to see whether he could lift the chair with one arm. Eddie does not manage this, but Marco does and he raises the chair over Eddies head. He shows that he is stronger then Eddie and gives Eddie a look of warning which quickly turns to triumph and Eddie quickly realises that Marco is threatening him to stay away from his brother. Marco is seen as a real man in Eddies, Mikes and Louis eyes. .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 , .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .postImageUrl , .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 , .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:hover , .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:visited , .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:active { border:0!important; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:active , .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43 .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1ce46de2b9cde350a681c94d617a1b43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Interest of An Audience EssayThey comment on what a hard worker he is and how if they left him to his own devices hed probably load the whole ship for them. Marco is hardworking and looks after his family, which Eddie sees as manly. Rodolpho however is the complete opposite, carefree and a big dreamer. However towards the end of the play Rodolpho changes and commits himself to looking after Catherine, almost swapping roles with Marco. When Marco and Eddie fight they both demand for apologies, but neither of them give in both believing they are right and giving in would be unmanly and show signs of weakness. Miller uses Eddies views on manliness to be the one of the main causes of his aggressiveness. Eddie as the protagonists feels that to show his manliness he must show his strength and lashing out on Rodolpho and violently kissing him was one of his ways to prove this. The hostility towards Rodolpho was because Eddie felt Rodolpho was not worth talking to because he was not man enough. Eddie thinks that real men arent blond and dont sing in high voices, but then again real men dont telephone immigration. Eddie lives in a community where everybody looks out for themselves and family and showing any weakness in your masculinity subjected you as a target for people. It all boils down to male pride and because of this tragedy befalls on Eddie. Eddie probably felt insecure about himself and were unsure of what his feelings were towards Catherine, but all Eddie knew was if he seemed manly I would give him a sense of security and a feeling that people thought he was secure with himself. After all isnt it better to settle for half then nothing at all? Eddie didnt think so; he wanted everything.